Title: Yes, My Master II - 04 Author: Ahra Rating: PG-13 - NC-17 Pairing: 2min Genre: AU Summary: Lee Taemin had gone back into the Choi Residence as the personal assistant and the young master's lover, and began living his old life and routine back when, one by one, he had to come up with everything that had been waiting for him for so long.
Title: Jewel in The Midnight 02 - The Delivery Guy Over There Author: Ahra Pairing: 2min Rating: PG-15 - NC-17 (in some chapters) Genre: Romance, AU Summary: In which the mysterious legendary thief encounters with the constabulary's doctor, their fate might be tied up together.
Title: Jewel in The Midnight 01 - The First Encounter Author: Ahra Pairing: 2min Rating: PG-15 - NC-17 (in some chapters) Genre: Romance, AU Summary: In which the mysterious legendary thief encounters with the constabulary's doctor, their fate might be tied up together.
Title: Jewel in The Midnight - Chapter 00 Author: Ahra Pairing: 2min Rating: PG-15 - NC-17 (in some chapters) Genre: Romance, AU Summary: In which the mysterious legendary thief encounters with the constabulary's doctor, their fate might be tied up together.
Title: Yes, My Master (15/19) Author : Ahra Pairing: 2min Genre: AU Rating: PG-15 Summary: Choi Minho - the sexiest, smartest, richest guy in universe. Unbeatable in the school grade and currently leading a top company under his father's name as the youngest president. Lee Taemin is all Minho needs as his personal assistant. Yes, perfect combination in
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Title: In Which Lee Taemin Utterly Fails in Making Chocolate Author: Ahra Pairing: 2min, ninja!onkey Rating: PG-15 Genre: fluff, fail crack if you squint them A/N: HAPPY VALENTINE, ALL. AM I LATE? dedicated to
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Title: Yes, My Master (14a/?) Author : Ahra Pairing: 2min Genre: AU Rating: PG-13 - PG-15 Summary: Choi Minho - the sexiest, smartest, richest guy in universe. Unbeatable in the school grade and currently leading a top company under his father's name as the youngest president. Lee Taemin is all Minho needs as his personal assistant. Yes, perfect
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Title: Yes, My Master (11/?) Author : Ahra Pairing: 2min Genre: AU Rating: PG-15 Summary: Choi Minho - the sexiest, smartest, richest guy in universe. Unbeatable in the school grade and currently leading a top company under his father's name as the youngest president. Lee Taemin is all Minho needs as his personal assistant. Yes, perfect combination in
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